About Us
Urban & Sons, LLC is a family owned and operated Holding Company with a passion for entrepreneurship. We believe in building a strong relationship with each of our clients and understand that our clients are the most important aspect of our business. We continually invest in our companies and our clients to ensure we offer innovative and quality business services for years to come.
Founded in 2019 as a Landscaping company, Urban & Sons, LLC quickly grew and developed. With this accelerated growth, our members quickly realized we needed to start planning and developing for our future. In 2023, Urban & Sons, LLC purchased a large client portfolio from Marathon Lawn Services based in Marathon City, WI. During this investment period, Urban & Sons, LLC was shifted into a Holding Company and became the Holding Company of Legacy Landcare, a new Landscaping Company. Legacy Landcare was created with the merge of Urban & Sons, LLC Landscaping Clients and Marathon Lawn Services Clients. Legacy Landcare currently services over 200 clients and we are constantly seeking new partnership and growth opportunities.
After the acquisition of Marathon Lawn Services, we have worked diligently to increase efficiency and innovation within Legacy Landcare. We have continually invested in our equipment, employees and clients to ensure quality service for years to come. As we look towards the future, we are continually working on improving Legacy Landcare and also looking at additional business start up and investment opportunities. This will ensure continued growth and expansion within Urban & Sons, LLC so that we can provide increased career and development opportunities within the Wausau Area.